OFFERING - MARK 12:41-44 (also in Luke 21:1-4)

41 And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much.
42 And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.
43 And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury:
44 For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living. KJV

These verses of scripture primarily speak of offerings. Notice that the money was going into the treasury therefore it was not directly handed to people for alms. Generally speaking tithing was done during appointed times to be received by certain people in the Jewish tradition. The examples given in the Holy Bible show us that receiving tithes from the people was usually done by a priest or a Levite because those are who the tithe is for. Offering on the other hand may be used for all sorts of things including the poor, temple maintenance and gifts for ministers. However the most important things to glean from these passages of scriptures is:

1) Jesus watched "how" people gave money unto God. When one speaks of the Synagogues we immediately think of God's House. Likewise when one speaks of the Treasury inside of the Synagogue we immediately think of God's Money. Jesus was watching this activity to get a grasp on "how" people thought about God. Those who gave reverently show more honor to God, thus they are in line to receive honor back from God. Those who respect Jesus will be respected by God, our Father. On the contrary those who were irreverent toward the Lord Jesus do not have their heart right with God. Typically, if your purpose for giving is to look good before men your heart is not right before God because God looks on the heart while men look on the outward appearance. Remember what the Lord told Samuel in 1 Samuel 16:7b ……for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. (KJV) We must purpose first of all to keep our heart right with God when it come to our giving unto the Lord. Our offering should spiritually equal the offering of the poor widow women that is an offering from our heart. Not just a small portion of our heart because we only believe in God and His message a little, but rather with all of our heart because we believe in God and His message with all of our heart. Yes, as well put in the passage "even all of our living". The only life you have inside of you is the Life of Christ Jesus simply because we a born-again and share in His Divine Life.

2) We will make the point, not just a point, but indeed the point about amounts given to God is not the key issue. The amount you offer to God is totally up to you, if you offer a lot you are not a better person before God or if you give a little are you considered a lesser person by God. To attempt to relate what a farthing represents today we have listed the definition from the American Heritage Dictionary, Second College Edition, published by Houghton Mifflin Company, copyright 1982 - "A farthing is a former British coin worth one fourth of an American penny". This monetary value was of very little worth roughly about one eight (1/8th) of a penny by todays standards. Her gift although very small took special notice by God simply because her heart was in her giving. This is contrasted by those who gave much but did not have a heart for Jesus. We know that generally speaking the poor and common people loved Jesus, thus they loved God. The point is if you love Jesus the amount becomes insignificant in comparison to your love for Him and His awesome Love for you. So when you give your offering know that whatever the amount (large, small or moderate) it is noticed by Jesus. Therefore it is appreciated and accepted by God, your Father in Heaven.

Remember whatever you do, do it heartily (with all your heart) as unto the Lord Jesus Christ and not unto men (to impress those who are watching you). Knowing this truth will help you to give an offering of love not based on the amount but rather the size of your heart as worship unto God. For we are blessed of God by grace through faith it is His gift to us, not of our works (amounts of offerings) so we should not boast about how much we give to God. We should glory in God's Grace given to us and rejoice in the fact that He accepts all our offerings given to Him when our heart is right with His. Amen!

In His Love, Eric & Angela Foster

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